To provide an information supplement to AC17, Leave of Absence With Pay (Sabbatical).
A Dean may approve the expenditure of funds to cover, in full or in part, travel and other expenses directly related to the express purposes of a sabbatical leave. Such requests, to be considered on an individual basis, require the express approval of the Dean, the Senior Vice President for Research, or the VicePresident for Commonwealth Campuses, as appropriate.
A. Grants and Contracts
A faculty member may augment the sabbatical leave stipend with funds from a grant or contract if approved by both the Dean (or the Senior Vice President for Research or the Vice President for Commonwealth Campuses) and with written approval from the granting agency. In no case shall the total exceed the amount of the normal full salary of the individual for the period of the leave.
B. Outside Compensation
A faculty member may receive outside compensation while on sabbatical leave with these provisions:
NOTE: If there is to be a change in the information supplied regarding outside compensation, prior approval should be obtained from the Dean, the Senior Vice President for Research, or the Vice President for Commonwealth Campuses, as appropriate.
11/19/21 - Clarified language related to outside compensation.
9/13/19 - Changed Vice President for Research to Senior Vice President for Research.
1/1/2010 - The title Senior Vice President for Research was changed to Vice President for Research.
11/2/06 - Changed Vice President for Research to Senior Vice President for Research.