How to Write an Editorial: Your Students' Opinions Matter!

Know how to write an editorial? Your students have opinions about everything, so why not teach your class to put their views persuasively on paper? Let's write an editorial using three easy lessons!

First, a quick review of what defines an editorial. Make sure your students understand this basic definition. Editorials are opinion pieces for newspapers and magazines, either in print or online. An editorial expresses an opinion about a current issue or topic. If no opinion exists, then the article is considered an expository text. The author of an editorial expresses a specific bias, with the intent of persuading the reader toward particular thoughts or actions.

Now that we've reviewed the basic substance of an editorial, let's learn how to write an editorial using three simple lesson ideas. First, we'll identify the elements of persuasive writing used in writing editorials, then we'll identify the differences between facts and opinions, and lastly, we'll practice crafting logical, well-supported reasons to support that all important topic!

With these three lessons, your students now have a solid understanding of how to write an editorial. Don't be surprised if you find spontaneous, convincing editorials on your desk regarding the cafeteria menu, the amount of homework assigned, or listening to music in the classroom!

A fun bonus project: assign editorial topics or suggestions based upon familiar fairy tales. Should a prince choose a bride based upon whether a girl's foot fits a certain glass slipper or a young lady can feel a pea most uncomfortably through twenty mattresses? Or perhaps an opinion piece on American tall tales! Was Paul Bunyan practicing ecological stewardship by logging the Pacific Northwest and then carelessly carving out the Grand Canyon? Write editorials about the behavior of animals in different fables. Should the ants have shown more compassion to the hungry grasshopper in the dead of winter?

Teach your kids how to write an editorial, and then apply the format to any number of literary genres!